Requirements for cutting fluids
No lubricant is subject to such a fast change of the requirement profile as the cooling lubricant. A variety of ever-changing requirements in modern manufacturing, environmental and occupational safety requires innovative adaptations in terms of ingredients and application.
The principal functions of cutting fluids, whether they are water-miscible coolants or neat cutting fluids such as cutting and grinding oils, are cooling and lubrication.
The primary objectives are to reduce friction between the tool and the material being machined as well as dissipating any thus created heat. Another role of the cutting fluid is to flush any chips or swarf away from the cutting zone.
Additional properties of a cutting fluid include
- providing effective corrosion protection for machines and components,
- keeping foaming in check,
- low evaporation and misting,
- good skin and material compatibility,
- a high flashpoint and high stability.
With a wealth of experience and comprehensive application knowledge, Sing Group not only offers suitable cooling lubricants for every material and every application, but also expert advice and experienced service, even after the purchase.
The global team of theSing Group makes sure that your selected cutting fluids will be available all over the world- in the same quality, on site.
A modern water-miscible coolant has to meet a variety of requirements today
- efficient
- economic
- free from harmful and polluting ingredients
Our water-miscible cooling lubricants are characterized by the fact that they are
- free of easily nitrosable secondary amines,
- nitrite-free,
- free of chlorine, zinc an heavy metals,
- free of EDTA / NTA and are
- skin-friendly.
Non-water-miscible coolants are neat cutting fluids for specific applications like tool grinding, gear machining, spark erosion, threading, honing, finishing, lapping and deep hole drilling. The innovative non-water-miscible neat cutting fluids from Sing Group do not only have a decisive influence on the process and the quality of the machined parts, but also make a major contribution to the safety and working conditions in the production halls. Of decisive importance here are the properties of the product used, such as flash point, evaporation and foaming behaviour. Not only the quality of the base oils used has a great great influence, but also the right and appropriate additive technology.
Sing Group offers a rich experience in the formulation of high-quality non-water-miscible coolants.