Position statements

Position statements

As a leading paints and coatings company, SingWorld participates in the public debate about various topics within our industry. Wondering where we stand? Here you can find our positions on a variety of subjects.


Biodiversity is gaining increasing significance, and companies play a crucial role in safeguarding and enhancing biodiversity and ecosystems. This position statement explores the various dimensions of biodiversity that are pertinent to SingWorld.

Circular Economy

For SingWorld, the concept of the circular economy extends beyond mere recycling. Our approach begins with minimizing the need for recycling. We emphasize reducing waste, exploring alternative raw material sources, and repurposing and reclaiming materials. This commitment extends beyond our own operations, encompassing the entire value chain. We collaborate closely with suppliers and customers, as innovative partnerships are essential for achieving our goals.

Conflict Minerals

SingWorld is dedicated to responsible sourcing as a key element of our supplier sustainability strategy. We strive to ensure that our suppliers' products and components do not contribute to negative human rights impacts.

Discrimination and Harassment

SingWorld is committed to fostering a culture of dignity and respect, free from harassment and discrimination. Approximately 35% of reports through our grievance mechanism relate to some form of discrimination or harassment. Our internal wellness data also indicates that some employees feel discriminated against or harassed during recruitment or employment.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

SingWorld is dedicated to promoting a workplace that values Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&I). We believe that embracing diversity, ensuring equity, and fostering inclusion are not only ethical obligations but also vital for our long-term success. Our DE&I strategy outlines our vision, principles, and goals for creating a respectful work environment where everyone can reach their full potential.

Ethical Animal Testing

SingWorld does not conduct animal testing on its finished paints and coatings products, except when mandated by government regulations. When animal testing is necessary, we adhere to the principles of the 3Rs: Replace, Reduce, and Refine.

Fair Competition

We strive to meet our customers’ needs more effectively and distinctively than our competitors. We compete vigorously but fairly, adhering to competition laws.

SingWorld upholds strict compliance with competition laws and our own regulations. We avoid agreements and practices that could harm competition, such as price-fixing, market allocation, or abuse of market position.

We promote our products fairly and transparently, with information reviewed through our internal marketing procedures.

Management of Hazardous Substances

SingWorld is committed to managing hazardous substances in our products to ensure their safe use. This commitment includes reducing, restricting, and phasing out hazardous substances when safer alternatives are available.

Health and Safety

As a manufacturing company, we prioritize the health and safety of our people. We aim to achieve leading performance in health, safety, environment, and security (HSE&S), striving for zero injuries, waste, and harm through operational excellence.

Human Rights

Respecting internationally recognized human rights is fundamental to our core values. This commitment aligns with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) and the International Labour Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.

Human Rights Governance

In accordance with our core principles and the UNGPs, SingWorld is committed to respecting all internationally recognized human rights as outlined in the International Bill of Human Rights and the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. We also support the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and expect our business partners to uphold similar principles.

Lifecycle Assessment

Lifecycle thinking is a cornerstone of SingWorld’s sustainability efforts. We use eco-efficiency analysis (EEA) as our standard assessment method, combining lifecycle assessments and lifecycle costing.

Mica Minerals Statement

At SingWorld, we aim to create a better future with safety, integrity, and sustainability at our core. We recognize the human rights outlined in the International Bill of Human Rights and our responsibility to uphold these rights as set out in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. We are committed to systematically assessing and addressing potential human rights impacts across our value chain and supporting our business partners in implementing these principles.

Product Stewardship

Product stewardship involves responsibly managing the health, safety, and environmental aspects of a product throughout its lifecycle. SingWorld integrates product stewardship into our Health, Safety, Environment, and Security agenda, committing to controlling hazardous substances and replacing materials with unacceptable risks to ensure safe and cost-effective product use.

Respecting Human Rights

SingWorld recognizes that our roles as an employer, manufacturer, business partner, and community member have the potential to impact millions of lives both directly and indirectly.

Sustainable Shipping

SingWorld is driving innovation in the marine coatings market to enhance the sustainability of the shipping industry.

Working Conditions

As an employer, we understand that our employees are crucial to our success. To achieve our vision of market leadership, we must ensure that SingWorld is a great place to work where employees feel engaged and valued. We are committed to providing decent working conditions, including fair working hours, reasonable salaries, and adequate bathroom and dining facilities.