Rapidly Biodegradable Lubricants

Rapidly Biodegradable Lubricants

World-wide unique know-how

Sing Group was one of the first companies to launch biodegradable lubricants, and since then Sing Group has invested heavily in the research and development of these lubricants.

The reward: a world-wide unique know-how and invaluable operational application experience.

With the biodegradable high-performance hydraulic oils of nearly all ISO VG-classes e.g.

And many other rapidly biodegradable industrial oils such as slideway oils, tacky oils and forming and mold release oils, we offer a comprehensive range of environmentally friendly lubricants.

Because that's for sure: the product alone is not enough. The user needs competent advice: when choosing the right biodegradable lubricant, such as rapidly biodegradable hydraulic and gear oils, when changing to biodegradable lubricants and while using them correctly.

And this knowledge at your side pays off for you.