Adhesive Lubricants

Adhesive Lubricants

The product portfolio encompasses both grease-based, graphited lubricants, high-viscosity fluids free from solid lubricants and semi-fluids containing solid lubricants. Suitable Sing lubricants are available for all common application methods. CEPLATTYN effectively and successfully reduces the wear of your machine parts through its special formulation and very good adhesion. CEPLATTYN adhesive lubricants are recommended or prescribed by leading equipment manufacturers.

The CEPLATTYN adhesive lubricants range fulfils the tough tribotechnical conditions encountered. The CEPLATTYN range can be used in numerous industrial applications, e.g. open-running drive units on tube mills, rotary kilns, dryers, ore crushers, calcinators etc. In addition on slewing rings, rack-and-pinion devices, slide rails and bolted connections. CEPLATTYN lubricants are suitable for the most varied operating conditions and can be used with all types of application equipment.