Characteristics of Industrial Lubricant Oils and Their Applications in Industry

Characteristics of Industrial Lubricant Oils and Their Applications in Industry

With the development of manufacturing and automation, industrial lubricant oils have become an essential part of modern industry. It's well-known that regular lubrication helps extend the lifespan of engines, making it crucial to replace and maintain lubricant oils for machinery. 

With the development of manufacturing and automation, industrial lubricant oils have become an essential part of modern industry. It's well-known that regular lubrication helps extend the lifespan of engines, making it crucial to replace and maintain lubricant oils for machinery. Here, we introduces the characteristics and applications of various industrial oils.

Industrial lubricant oils play a vital role in ensuring the smooth, efficient, and durable operation of machinery systems. There are many types of oils, each with distinct properties and uses. Selecting the right type of lubricant depends on factors such as the type of machinery, operating conditions, and manufacturer recommendations.


Key Characteristics of Industrial Lubricant Oils:

Viscosity: This is the oil's resistance to flow. Higher viscosity indicates better load-bearing capacity but can also lead to power loss due to internal friction within the oil. Viscosity changes with temperature, pressure, and speed.

Flash Point: The lowest temperature at which the oil's vapor ignites briefly when exposed to a small flame under specific conditions (closed or open cup testing). When heated, the oil vaporizes, mixes with oxygen in the air, and creates a flammable mixture. The higher the flash point, the better the oil quality.

Pour Point: The lowest temperature at which the oil can still flow, indicating its performance in cold conditions. This is an important factor for starting engines in cold weather.

Total Base Number (TBN): A measure of the oil’s alkalinity, expressed in mgKOH/g. Alkalinity neutralizes acids formed during fuel combustion and helps clean the engine. Depending on the sulfur content in the fuel, the appropriate TBN level of the oil must be selected to ensure effective corrosion protection and cleaning. The higher the sulfur content, the higher the oil’s TBN should be.

Total Acid Number (TAN): A measure of the oil’s acidity, indicating its oxidation resistance during use, expressed in mgKOH/g. High acidity in lubricant oil can reduce engine lifespan.

Additional Properties: Industrial oils also possess other important characteristics, such as anti-rust, anti-wear, anti-foaming capabilities, and compatibility with various materials.

These characteristics define the performance and application of industrial lubricant oils, making them essential in maintaining machinery efficiency, reducing downtime, and extending the lifespan of equipment across different industrial sectors.
