Weathering Steel COR-TEN™

Weathering Steel COR-TEN™ has overcome rust, which is the weakest point of steel, in a unique manner, by actually using rust.

Note: COR-TENTM is a registered trademark of United States Steel Corp.


Weathering Steel COR-TENTM has overcome rust, which is the weakest point of steel, in a unique manner, by actually using rust.

When COR-TEN with bare specifications is left in the atmosphere, rust occurs first in the same way as ordinary steel, but dense protective rust forms on the surface of the steel due to the action of the alloy element over time, inhibiting the later development of further rust.

Weather resistance

Since COR-TEN has excellent weather resistance, it can be used without any coating.

It provides not only the economic effect of a reduction of recoating cost, but an aesthetic effect with sedate color of protective rust.

Coating property

The coating film has a long life, and the recoating cost can be reduced


Welding is easy using any method of manual welding or submerged arc welding, etc.

Spot welding is also possible for thin materials.


COR-TEN can be subjected to cold working, hot working, and gas cutting in a similar way as ordinary steel with the same strength level.

Aging of rust

COR-TEN exhibits a yellowish appearance in the initial stage of use, and the color gradually changes to brown. Then, as it sits in its surrounding environment, the color changes to a sedate blackish brown in one to two years. Then, the color changes very little once again, but only to a deep brown.