Palm Oil

Palm Oil

Sing Group Palm Gabon – a joint venture with the government of Gabon – is part of our plan to support the development of the agricultural economy – to broad-base the Gabon economy, reduce food imports, create employment opportunities and tackle poverty in the country.

In 2022, OPG delivered a net volume of over 100,000 tonnes of crude palm oil (CPO). We have established reliable and regular trade flows with EU customers through annual supply agreements as proposed EU legislation is seeing demand strengthening for traceable supplies that do not contribute to deforestation, and deepened vessel chartering capabilities to support increasing volumes of CPO exports.

Sustainable Palm Oil

We’re committed to sustainable palm oil production. In 2022 we achieved RSPO certification for all of our concessions, becoming the largest fully certified company in Africa. We protect about 106,000 ha of natural ecosystems which are third-party recognised as High Conservation Value (HCV), representing one third of the total surface protected by RSPO players, making OPG the largest conservation contributor in the palm sector worldwide. A biodiversity action plan put in place in 2022 will further monitor wildlife and produce scientific evidence of the positive role played by OPG in preserving biodiversity in the forests of Gabon.