Wood Products

Wood Products

We’ve delivered high quality and sustainably sourced timber for over 50 years from our forest concessions in the Republic of Congo.

We offer a comprehensive range of FSC® certified sustainable wood products from logs and primary transformation products - such as boules and sawn timber, to kiln-dried lumber, scantlings and decking - to serve customers worldwide.

Our harvesting capabilities and processing expertise allow us to treat various species and produce specific dimensions of logs and sawn timber to meet customers’ needs. Our five sawmills have a capacity of 350,000 m3 of input logs meaning we have the largest processing capacity for tropical timber in Africa.


Healthy & Safety

As with the rest of our business, the team in the Republic of Congo is committed to maintaining a “Safety First” culture. Our goal is “zero Lost Time Incidents (LTIs)”.

As a result of our continuous efforts such as safety training and regular hazard assessments, we’ve seen a marked reduction and recorded our lowest Lost Time Incident Frequency Rate (LTIFR) of 0,44 in 2022 with an annual person-hours of 3.75 million.

We work towards eliminating as many risks as we can which cause injury or illness.