Finished Fuel Additives

Finished Fuel Additives

Sing World Group's  Finished Fuel Additives consists of several category classifications.

Conductivity Improvers (ASA): Improving the electrical conductivity of the fuel and dissipating electrostatic charge. Used in aviation and ground distillates.

Odour Abatement: Improving the objectionable odour and reducing complaints


Formulated to remove contaminants from fuels that can cause corrosion, odour or pose safety hazards.

Fuel system Icing Inhibitor (FSII):

Prevents the formation of ice crystals by reducing the freezing point of any water present – mandatory in military aviation.

Fuel Borne Catalysts:

Fuel-Borne Catalysts significantly reduce the energy input required to achieve regeneration and generally facilitate the operation of diesel vehicles fitted with DPFs.
